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Study tour on local health in Japa ①


日程2019325 Date: 25 March, 2019

参加者4 Participant: 4 persons

ブータン保健省:2 2 officers from the ministry of health, Bhutan

大学教員(引率)2(坂本龍太、赤松芳郎) University teacher: 2 persons (Dr.Ryota Sakamoto. Dr.Yoshio Akamatsu)




Program and activities
Mr.Tashi Puntsho and Mr.Ugyen Wangchuk of the ministry of health, Bhutan came to Japan and had a visiting/interact program on 25 March in Miyama, Nandan city of Kyoto prefecture. They visited Miyama clinic, canary club (Chii area), Kayabuki-no-sato(Kita village)and abandoned rice fields/cedar planted forest (Chimi village). At Miyama clinic they received explanation from a staff about its history and activities, medical issues in depopulated and aging rural area. After exchanging opinions they were introduced inside the clinic including its daycare center. In the afternoon we attended the entertainment of canary club in former Chii primary school. The club helping local old people to gather and sing Showa period songs in every month was established in December 2018. Two Bhutanese explained about health care of senior citizens in Bhutan and hoped to adopt such activities like Canary club's also in their country. They introduced Bhutanese songs and some attending people wanted to arrange that kind of event in the future. At the time of visiting Kayabuki-no-sato and abandoned rice fields we discussed with two Bhutanese how local traditions and local resources could be kept in Bhutan under the condition of rapid population outflow from rural villages to urban areas.

写真1 カナリヤ倶楽部での交流
Photo1 Interacting with canary club
写真2 かやぶきの里視察
Photo2 Visiting Kayabuki-no-sato

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